15,00 € each 109 items in stock
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Ticket "Dampf und Dixie"

Ticket to the music event "Dampf & Dixie" (Steam & Dixie music) on Saturday, 12th of April 2025 after 7 pm. as part of the 17th Dresden Steam Engine Festival

  • The ticket allows you to enter the Steam Engine Festival ground on Zwickauer Straße after 7 pm. on Saturday, 2025-04-12.
  • The ticket is only valid for the admission to the music event "Dampf & Dixie".

This is an electronic ticket. It is valid for one single admission to the "Dampf&Dixie" music event only.

Resale is prohibited.
Resale of used tickets (also partly used tickets) is prohibited.
No Exchange, no return, no refund for lost tickets.

19,00 € each
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Dayticket for admission

Ticket for admission to festival ground at Dresden Railway Museum along street Zwickauer Strasse

The ticket allows you to enter the Steam Engine Festival ground around Dresden Railway Museum along street Zwickauer Strasse as well as to the main building of Dresden Transport Museum at Johanneum in Dresden downtown, once (12th-13th, April, 2025, daily between 10 am. and 6 pm.).

This is an electronic ticket. It must be shown printed or on the screen of a mobile device at the cash counter when entering festival ground. It is valid on one day only.

Resale is prohibited.
Resale of used tickets (also partly used tickets) is prohibited.
No Exchange, no return, no refund for lost tickets.

13,00 € each
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Reduced dayticket for admission

Reduced day ticket to 17th Dresden Steam Engine Festival

Reduced tickets are valid for the admission of disabled people, pupils or students.

The ticket allows you to enter the Steam Engine Festival ground around Dresden Railway Museum along street Zwickauer Strasse as well as to the main building of Dresden Transport Museum at Johanneum in Dresden downtown, once (12th-13th, April, 2025, daily between 10 am. and 6 pm.).

This is an electronic ticket. It must be shown printed or on the screen of a mobile device at the cash counter when entering festival ground. It is valid on one day only.

Resale is prohibited.
Resale of used tickets (also partly used tickets) is prohibited.
No Exchange, no return, no refund for lost tickets.

25,00 € each No stock

Ticket Nighty Loco Presentation Friday

Ticket to the Nightly Loco Presentation on Friday, 11th of April 2025 after 7pm. as part of the 17th Dresden Steam Engine Festival

  • The ticket allows you to enter the Steam Engine Festival area on Zwickauer Straße around Railway Museum after 7pm. on Friday, 2025-04-11.
  • The ticket is only valid for the entrance to the area of roundhouse 1 / turntable.

This is an electronic ticket. At the cash counter you have to show the ticket printed or on a screen of a mobile device. It is valid for one single admission to the photographer's session only.

Resale is prohibited.
Resale of used tickets (also partly used tickets) is prohibited.
No Exchange, no return, no refund for lost tickets.

25,00 € each 12 items in stock
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Ticket Nighty Loco Presentation Saturday

Ticket to the Nightly Loco Presentation on Saturday, 12th of April 2025 after 7pm. as part of the 17th Dresden Steam Engine Festival

  • The ticket allows you to enter the Steam Engine Festival area on Zwickauer Straße around Railway Museum after 7pm. on Saturday, 2025-04-12.
  • The ticket is only valid for the entrance to the area of roundhouse 1 / turntable.

This is an electronic ticket. At the cash counter you have to show the ticket printed or on a screen of a mobile device. It is valid for one single admission to the photographer's session only.

Resale is prohibited.
Resale of used tickets is prohibited.
No Exchange, no return, no refund for lost tickets.